THE REEL is a concept application for a potential subscription streaming service that serves up sports highlights curated to the taste of each user.
In addition to the stream selection page, there is also an interactive 'score-wheel' that can be rotated to view specific teams highlights based on the users likes/dislikes.
Project Type
UI/UX, Motion, Class Project, Client Project
4 Weeks, Fall 2016
The rise of streaming has put pressure on the sports entertainment industry, and as more people are cutting the cable, more people than ever are turning to alternatives powered by the world wide web. Sports highlights are one of the most talked about things around the water-cooler at the office, so why not make a Netflix-esque subscription service to do nothing but view said highlights (instead of the full game)?
The Reel was pitched to us by a mysterious man who claimed to be apart of the inner circle of the ESPN group and said it had the potential to become BIG. However at the end of the project, he mysteriously vanished and did not pick up any of the work we created.. a shame.
1. CREATE AN 'ELECTRIC' BRAND - The client wanted the design of the app to give off an 'electric' vibe that could potentially charge the user for their sports highlight viewing experience.
2. "DEAD SIMPLE" TO USE - It's incredibly easy to use THE REEL! Just sign up, pick some sports and away you go on your sports highlight viewing!
3. SCORE WHEEL - The client wanted a 'score wheel' within the app. Unfortunately, none of us truly knew what this meant.. so I came up with an actual wheel interface for viewing scores and highlights.
Easy access
Signing in is easy, just enter your username and password and tap 'Sign In'.
Don't have an account? No problem! Just create a new one using a simple 3 line form.
Pick your sports and go
Select a handful of sports that strike your fancy to get a custom stream of your favorite highlights delivered right to your screen.
Spin the score wheel
Your curated list of highlights will also generated a custom 'score wheel' for easy tracking of current scores across multiple games, just spin the wheel with your finger to view different teams!
I/A - Userflow
A brief userflow of the user signing in and accessing his feed, checking his scorewheel.
Drafting and designing Meso was a smooth process, the wireframes set a strong foundation for the final compositions shown above.
Additional Process Work
Other misc. sketches/concepts that went towards the final design of the product.
Thanks for checking out THE REEL future of sports!
Feel free to take a look at my other work below!